Day 214 – QUOTE OF THE WEEK – A challenge only becomes an obstacle when you bow to it!

strength-and-fearlessnessThe Monday edition of three things that make me happy:

1. I’m so loving the quote of the week. It’s such a rock star quote to start off the week.

2. I’m in the home stretch of this happiness challenge. This week will mark my eight month. Only four months left.

3. As you know I have two failed businesses under my belt so I’m very skittish starting my bamboo candle company. When I feel the fear and it’s very real start forming in the pit of my stomach and the doubts start creeping in the back of my mind, I say to myself, “Felecia, let go the hand of fear and hold onto the hand of faith.”

I can feel the stress and anxiety leave. I move forward. It’s okay to be scared but it’s not okay for fear to take over your life and dreams.

Day 188 – If you can’t be a pencil to write someone’s happiness then try to be a eraser to remove their sadness.

*Quote of the week above*

173ab8534513643ed605f5d5e6c2462d[1]On my way to work today, as the train arrived, I stood to the side to let so people can get out and then I go inside. As I was going inside this man came out of nowhere and almost knocked me out of the way to get to an unoccupied seat. I had no designs on that seat. As a matter of fact, I was looking in the opposite direction.

He apologized. Half assed but he did apologize. On the way to work, it had me thinking about our society. We say it’s a doggy dog world. Eat or be eaten. Are we so hungry to get ahead and get that one leg up to push someone to the side? I’m haven’t come up with an answer but I know for me, I don’t want to turn into that kind of person. I want to continue to have faith in our society to continue to grow and evolve into being more conscious-minded.

dickens-quoteAlright that’s enough contemplating for one day and get into three things that make me happy:

1. Giving up my seat on the train/bus for the elderly and young children.

2. Giving up my seat on the train/bus for people with disabilities.

3. I’m not sure why but people stop me on the street all the time to ask me for directions. I happily do my best to help them. I enjoy helping them. I would like to think that when I travel to another country or someone from my family does, that someone will be kind enough to help them also.

What do you think about today’s quote of the week?


Day 174 – Quote of the week “Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up.”


This is the new drama that I’m hooked on.

I am a sucker for historical drama’s. I love reading and learning about the history of other countries particularly Asia and Persia.

You you can guess who gets the first spot in the three things that make me happy:

1. I’m watching a historical drama called The Virtuous Queen of Han on Drama Fever. It’s set in China.Per Drama Fever ” A lowly servant’s daughter, Wei Zifu  does not have many means, yet she is undeniably beautiful and virtuous. When she is later recruited to entertain Princess Pingyang, she immediately captivates the attention of the court, including Emperor Wu Liu Che  Zifu’s life soon changes in an unexpected way when she becomes Liu Che’s beloved empress.

There are 40 episodes and I will be watching each and every one.

helping-up2. I finally finished learning the entire Korean alphabet  What really help was reading the newspapers and walking around Korea town and reading the signs. I wont’ lie. It was challenging and kept at it. I know I’ve learned them all. Self pat on the back.

3. I’m going to start doing the quote of the week. I believe the quote in the title, “Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up.” Has earned the title.

What do you think or have any recommendations to be a quote of the week?


Day 159 – I believe in redefining my impossible – Nike

I proudly admit I’m having a love affair with my new read, Why walk when you can fly? Every page I turn is fascinating and better than the last. I thoroughly enjoy the short and powerful stories author, Isha Judd expertly places through the book to reinforce her point.

She breaks it down about unconditional love that begins within you and being in the moment without being so technical and wordy. Sometimes when people talk about being present and in the moment, they make it so complicated.

untitled (13)

Burn baby burn! I just love sage. This sage I picked myself from the high mountains of San Gabriel in Altadena, CA.

It’s the hump day edition (Wednesday) three things that make me happy:

1. As I’m writing this post I’m burning sage right now. I felt the energy in my apartment was stagnant. It’s good to cleanse your home. I’ve opened some windows as well. It’s about 80 degrees right now with a gentle breeze coming from the ocean. I’m rubbing it in a bit right now. This is reason why I moved to Southern Cali.

2. Let the Great American Smoke Out Begin. I love the smell of sage. Once the smoke is in the air you can feel whatever residual energy you may have carried with you or lingering in your sacred space dissipate.

3. What’s so great about smudging? . See below. This is the best explanation of why smudging is so important. I email this to people who ask me why I smudge and what’s so great about sage.


Does anyone do any kind of smudging/home cleansing. If you so what do you use?

– Felecia

Day 158 – Everyone smiles in the same language.

aha-moment-300x213After doing my meditations and prayers this morning, I picked up and read a chapter in Why walk when you can fly? I wanted to share a story from one of the chapters that read which immediately made an impact on me.

A young boy ran up to his grandfather, “Grandfather, grandfather, tell me the secret of life?”

The old man’s mouth wrinkled into a playful smile as he replied, “My child, within every one of us, it’s as if there were two wolves fighting. One of the wolves is focused on protecting his territory; he is full of anger, criticism, and resentment. He is fearful and controlling. The other is focused on love, joy, and peace. He is mischievous and full of adventure.”

slide2b (2)“But grandfather,” exclaimed the boy, his eyes wide with curiosity “which of the wolves is going to win?”

The old man replied, “The one you feed.”

After reading this story, I had the biggest smile on my face. It took something so simple as this story for it to click and say, “I got it.”

Three things that make me happy:

1. When I have one of those “Aha” moments. I had one this morning.

2. Realizing that everyone smiles in the same language.

3. Family. My family has given me some amazing laughs over the years. They still continue to with all the insanity.

– Felecia

Day 138 – Let go of things you can’t change and focus on the ones you can.

I wasn’t going to write about this but I could feel my anger and resentment growing. I want to be true with this blog. My feelings both positive and negative. My happiness does get tested. Some days more than others. This was one of them.

untitled (3)Yesterday was a learning day for me. I have a new co-worker. He’s been with the hotel for about three weeks and truly testing the limits of my patience. Sometimes you have to ask, “Is it me? Am I tripping?”  Come to find out I’m not the only one who has issues with him.

The one that did it for me was the black face. (For those who don’t know the black face is click here). It all started when a potential candidate came for a job interview. This person was asked, “We have a lot of international guests, how would you converse and interact with them?” This person came up with a crazy answer. “In school we talked about cultural difference and brought up the black face, just going on and on about it.” Needless to say, he didn’t get the job.

While this is going on, I’m at the front desk working. My new co-worker comes up to me and asks me question of the black face and wants me to talk about the history of it. I don’t want to talk THAT! Not with him or anyone else and definitely not at work.

untitled (4)I was stunned and didn’t see it coming. I told him, “I don’t want to talk about black face or the history of black face. So lets stop this conversation.” He didn’t. He kept on talking about it and wouldn’t let up. I informed him again, I was done with the conversation. That topic is closed. He finally gets the message and walks away.

If this had happened in my early twenties, I would have cussed his ass out. I mean been rude with it. I’m starting to mellow out now in my forties. Not as quick to take let Fe Fe (my alter ego) come out to play as often. Because when Fe Fe comes out no one is happy.

I later learned that this person had over head about the interview. Asked what the black face was. Someone told him and he came to me. I told my supervisor what happened and let him take care of it. I’ve decided that from now on, we only speak if it’s work related. Just keep it going, keep it moving and stay professional.

Alright lets move into today’s three things that make me happy:

1.  Walking away and not feeding and giving power into the ignorance of some people.

2. Picking and choosing my battles.

3. I thought this was the corniest song but as of today it’s really grown on me. Taylor Swift, “Shake it off”. It’s how I feel right now. This mess, I am done with it and going to shake it off.

– Felecia

Day 130 – Today, you can stick a fork in me because I’m done. – Felecia Scott

5dbcf9bcd1bf2abaf5a646aa6f9d3d75Good evening everyone. I know I’m down to the wire on this post for today. I pulled a back to back. Last night work ended at 11:00  pm. It’s a 2 1/2 hour commute home so when I arrived home it was nearly 1:30 am. I had to double back this morning at 6:30 am. All day today I’ve been going on 1.5 hours of sleep. Because I have to get back up from at 3:30 am to catch the bus at 4 am so I can make it to work at 6 am so I can start at 6:30 am.

When I came home today, my body was tired. I had to get some sleep.


This was me today. I just wanted to put my head on the counter and go to sleep.

Here’s today’s very sleepy three things that make me happy because after I finish this I’m going right back to sleep.

1. I was able to write this post and still keep my one year three things that make me happy a day challenge alive.

2. Why is that when you so tired from a tough day at work and your crawl into bed, that bed feels so good? It feels like loving arms welcoming your to dreamland and someone is stroking your hair and saying let me lure you to sleep and rest your weary spirit. ( I must be really tired and sleepy because this is some crazy mess I just wrote).

3. Hitting the publish button on this blog post.

– Felecia

Day 123 – I’m allergic to negative people.

images7RFIWU3HA funny thing happened this morning. I believe that you can absorb energy from people and circumstances. Sometimes you unintentionally bring this energy home. Last night when I came home my house didn’t feel right so this morning when I woke up, burned some sage and smudged my apartment.

I do this about once a month, if I going through a stressful time, I burn sage a couple times a month. My neighbor knocked on my door about 30 minutes ago and said, “Wow, Felecia, that’s some really good shit (weed) you’re burning. Where did you buy it?”

I laughed. I told him what it was and what I was doing. He didn’t believe which I could understand. My whole apartment was filled with sage smoke. You would have thought I was making my own version of a “How High” movie with Method Man and Redman.

I’ve known my neighbor for several years, so invited him inside.  He was inside my apartment for five minutes and looked so disappointed that it wasn’t weed and he wasn’t getting high.

We both laughed about it. You never how you’re day is going to being. It’s always great when it’s with a laugh.

images (4)Here are today’s three things that make me happy:

1. Shaking off negative energy.

2. I know this may sound rude people but there are some people who are not allowed to come into my sacred space. Because they bring negative and draining energy into my house. I refuse to have it.

3. For those people (family) that I am unable give the boot and forever ban from my home as soon as they leave I immediately sage my home.

– Felecia

Day 120 – People inspire you, or they drain you – pick wisely. – Hans F. Hansen

I am at the 4 month mile mark. Time has really flown by. This blog has shown me with determination and laser beam focus that every day I am going to do this. I will write three things that make me happy and my life here in LA both the positive and negative.

The days that I write and I make a blog post later in the day, I get really antsy. Keep saying to myself, “Okay, Felecia, you have a post to write. Let’s get the molasses out your ass and write this post.” I find the time. Whether I’m on the train to work  writing my on the cell phone or in the break room at work, I write.

Let No One Steal Your Joy Sunday three things that make me happy.

1.  Realizing that I matter.

2. I have value. I have something to share with the world. It took me a few years to figure out what it was, I love working with my hands. Whether its writing, making candles or bath and body products. It’s the reason I’m starting my business, I want to spend the rest of my life doing those things.

3. Sharing those creations (candle and bath and body) with the world.
