Day 120 – People inspire you, or they drain you – pick wisely. – Hans F. Hansen

I am at the 4 month mile mark. Time has really flown by. This blog has shown me with determination and laser beam focus that every day I am going to do this. I will write three things that make me happy and my life here in LA both the positive and negative.

The days that I write and I make a blog post later in the day, I get really antsy. Keep saying to myself, “Okay, Felecia, you have a post to write. Let’s get the molasses out your ass and write this post.” I find the time. Whether I’m on the train to work  writing my on the cell phone or in the break room at work, I write.

Let No One Steal Your Joy Sunday three things that make me happy.

1.  Realizing that I matter.

2. I have value. I have something to share with the world. It took me a few years to figure out what it was, I love working with my hands. Whether its writing, making candles or bath and body products. It’s the reason I’m starting my business, I want to spend the rest of my life doing those things.

3. Sharing those creations (candle and bath and body) with the world.
