Day 195 – QUOTE OF THE WEEK – Choose generosity. Sometimes when we are generous in small, undetectable ways, it can change someone else’s life forever. – Margaret Cho

bookAlright when I came home from work yesterday and on the way home telling myself that’s enough of the pity party, Felecia. It could be so much worse. Just as I rounded the corner to my apartment my land lord was waiting for me.

He was concerned that someone might have a key to the apartment since I lost everything on Sunday on the metro. (Someone stole my purse). He didn’t want to take the chance. He changed the keys to my locks and gave me the new keys. In an envelope was forty dollars. Because I don’t have access to money in my account. My debit card will be arriving Friday.

generosityHe wanted to make sure that I was able to get to work okay. I nearly cried by the touching gesture.  Talk about being nice. I have the greatest landlord on the planet. I told him I would pay him back and I’m going to send a gift card with my next rent check to thank him for his generosity and kindness.

Three things I love doing that make others happy:

1.As a dear friend once told me. She said, “Felecia, you give the best hugs. They are sincere, honest and genuine. I feel that every time we hug.

2. Walter will ask me to make food, I don’t know how to make but has a taste for. I dont have a recipe and will go online to find one I like. Then I make it for us. He really loves when I do this.  He’s touched that I do this for him.

3.  When I remember a guest’s name at the hotel after I have checked them in. It’s the extra step to get to know them. Try to make sure their stay is more enjoyable and memorable. I even remember the children’s names also.

– Felecia

Day 167 – Happiness is pleasure without regret.

This week has just whizzed by. I didn’t know how many secret, guilty pleasures I had until now. Let’s get it started.

1. When I’m alone, I grab a bottle of wine and chips and watch the Sound of Music with Julie Andrews. I sing along with her. My favorite part is where they are performing a puppet show. Then I try to it the high notes and fall out laughing because my voice is cracking all over the place.

2. I had no idea what the hell, “I’ve been Catfished.” I happen to be scrolling through the Channel and there it was. People who’ve been lied and deceived by their online love. Some have been in long term relationships for years. All I can say is wow! I feel bad for some of them because their hearts were truly broken.

3. I set my DVR for MTV’s Guy Code and Girl Code.

  • Felecia

Day 166 – We travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us

It’s hump day. We are day three of secret, guilty pleasures that make me happy and no one knows about until now:

Mr. Fantastic - Kevin O'Leary Shark Tank.

Mr. Fantastic – Kevin O’Leary Shark Tank.

1. I love Shark Tank. I watch it for Mr. Fantastic, Kevin O’Leary. That’s my boy. He’s so rude and his mouth is on point but every once in a while that façade slips and you see the human in him come out. Over all it’s a great show.  Also some of the entrepreneur stories are heartwarming and inspirational

2. I’m a sucker for a Merry Go Round.  When my kids were young, I used that as an excuse to get on but now. I’m like f*ck it. I hop up on the horse and have a blast laughing and smiling like the little ones. Not a care in the world, just enjoying the moment.

He-Man and his side kick Battle Cat.

He-Man and his side kick Battle Cat.

3. I watch He-Man episodes on HUB channel. It comes on from 9-11 pm. For those of you who don’t know He-Man was gigantic in the 80’s. I would rush home from school do my homework and plop my butt in front of the TV because He-Man was coming on.

What cartoons would you race home to watch after school?

  • Felecia

Day 165 – I’m not weird. I’m gifted.

We are on our second day of three guilty pleasures that make me happy and no one knows about until now:

1. I love finding about all the craziest and most over the top new skin care trends that people pay ridiculous amounts for. “Oh, hell no.” Then secretly in the back and secret caverns of my mind I give the side eye shaking my head and say, “Oh hell, I’d try that.

2. Twice a week I’m on You Tube watching people getting scared videos. They are hilarious. I’m so wrong for this but from the elderly to children. I laugh at them all.

3. Ghost hunting adventures. There are plenty on T.V but Ghost Adventures is my favorite. Here’s one of my favorite episodes. What do you think?

– Felecia

Day 159 – I believe in redefining my impossible – Nike

I proudly admit I’m having a love affair with my new read, Why walk when you can fly? Every page I turn is fascinating and better than the last. I thoroughly enjoy the short and powerful stories author, Isha Judd expertly places through the book to reinforce her point.

She breaks it down about unconditional love that begins within you and being in the moment without being so technical and wordy. Sometimes when people talk about being present and in the moment, they make it so complicated.

untitled (13)

Burn baby burn! I just love sage. This sage I picked myself from the high mountains of San Gabriel in Altadena, CA.

It’s the hump day edition (Wednesday) three things that make me happy:

1. As I’m writing this post I’m burning sage right now. I felt the energy in my apartment was stagnant. It’s good to cleanse your home. I’ve opened some windows as well. It’s about 80 degrees right now with a gentle breeze coming from the ocean. I’m rubbing it in a bit right now. This is reason why I moved to Southern Cali.

2. Let the Great American Smoke Out Begin. I love the smell of sage. Once the smoke is in the air you can feel whatever residual energy you may have carried with you or lingering in your sacred space dissipate.

3. What’s so great about smudging? . See below. This is the best explanation of why smudging is so important. I email this to people who ask me why I smudge and what’s so great about sage.


Does anyone do any kind of smudging/home cleansing. If you so what do you use?

– Felecia

Day 111 – I love finding money in my clothes. It’s like a gift to me…from me.

I can admit it. This used to be me a Nillionaire.

I can admit it. This used to be me a Nillionaire.

I’ve been reading and doing the exercises in The Spiritual Guide to Attracting Prosperity. One of the relationships, I wanted to change was with money. When it came time to pay my bills (yesterday), I said, thank you for having more than enough to pay my bills, take care of my mother and open my candle business. Believe it or not it felt good. I really did have more than enough.

Here are today’s three things that make me happy:

images3LK88LHS1. Over the last several months I have been paying off and down the balance of few outstanding bills. I’m in a better position now financially than where I was at the beginning of the year.

2. Finding money that I thought I had lost or misplaced. I remember this one time I was looking for this $20 bill. I knew I had it but I didn’t know where I placed it. I found it pulling out my ID card in wallet. I tucked it in there.

3. I’m handling my money better. Sticking to my budget. I give myself a weekly allowance. Which has made a difference. For example, if a I have an extra $100 bucks I don’t go and blow it all on bullshit. I take $60.00 and put in my rainy day fund or mutual fund.

– Felecia

Day 80 – I don’t suffer from insanity. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.

imageHoly Smokes, yesterday was tough day for me.  Have you ever woke up and just felt grumpy for no reason? Well yesterday I was the grump monster, until I helped a hearing impaired married couple checkin. Their smiling faces, great demeanor and loving gazes to each other immediately obliterated my shitty mood. The rest of my day improved immensely.

Three things that make me happy:

1. I took Sat, Sun and Monday off. October 26 is my birthday. I took the weekend off to celebrate. We are going to Santa Barbara. Check out some vineyards. I’ve never been to a vineyard. I’m really excited.

2. It has been years since I’ve taken time to celebrate my birthday. It feels pretty good. Walter and I are usually working on my birthday, this one is going to be really special.

3. I don’t have that many indulgences but, I do enjoy my O magazine subscription.

– Felecia

Let No One Steal Your Joy Sunday

Let No One Steal Your Joy Sunday has arrived.



There are many dreams, aspirations and adventures we’d all love to begin and have no idea of where to start. That was me when I decided to move to LA from Florida and starting my business the second time around. It can be truly overwhelming but I found that saying this phrase help set events in motion to achieving my dream and goals. “I have no idea of how I’m going to do this but I am.”

It’s okay to say, “I don’t know.” As a matter of fact, acknowledge that you don’t know. Have faith that it will happen and before you know it, it is.

– Once Blu

Day 16 – Every moment of your life, including this one is a fresh start.

To the far right, my mother Doris. On her lap is my baby brother, Maurice. Next to him is me (Felecia) with the Jerry Curl. My father on the end. he died at age 50 of a heart attack.

To the far left, my mother Doris. On her lap is my baby brother, Maurice. Next to him is me (Felecia) with the Jerry Curl. My father on the end. he died at age 50 of a heart attack.

The purpose of life is to live it, to taste the experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer richer experience. – Eleanor Roosevelt

Awesome words of wisdom from a great woman. Here are today’s three things that make me happy.

I love going through my family album. Reliving the memories of my childhood, the picture I have posted is one of my favorites. There is me, my brother and our parents. I thought I was going to be an only child. Finally, Maurice came along. We are ten years apart and understand each other completely.

Playing with my neighbor’s mini Doberman, Terry. I’ve been living in the apartment for four months now. Just last week, she finally let me pet her. When she sees me, it’s time for rope tug a war. I laugh so hard because she’s trying her best to pull me. The rope is as big as she is.  We have a great time together.

Finding spare change on the ground, I’m a spare change magnet. I can be on the bus, train or just walking in the street. There it is right in front of me. Sometimes I luck up and find dollar bills and occasionally a five or twenty.

Does anyone find spare change on the ground like me?

Day 10 – Instead of thinking outside the box, get rid of the box. – Deepak Chopra

Sunset from the steps of my apartment.

Sunset from the steps of my apartment.

Thank you everyone for reading and liking my blog. I really appreciate your support.

What are three things that make me happy?

  1. On my days off, I enjoy sitting on the steps in front of my apartment watching the sunset and my favorite time of day.  I turn the cellphone off and enjoy the precious moment with no distractions.  In the hectic and chaotic world we live in, I have to force myself sometimes to stop, breathe and recharge.
  2. This is my secret guilty pleasure. It’s not so secret anymore but I have a subscription to DramaFever at $9.99 a month.  I fanatically watch my Korean and Japanese English subbed dramas. The Korean drama Boys Over Flowers introduced to the word of Korean dramas.  I loved the drama, the writing and characters. Now I watch Japanese and Taiwanese dramas as well.
  3. My friend Benjo took me to get my first foot massage. I was hesitant because I had never had one and I was not sure if I wanted a stranger rubbing on my feet. Just like with Boys Over Flowers, I became a fan from the moment the man touched my feet.  I really do not splurge that often but once a month Benjo and I go and get our 1-hour foot massage for $20.00. Let me tell you, having someone rub my feet transports me to a place of bliss I never knew existed. If you’re in a city or town that has a foot massage business, I enthusiastically recommend for you to go.