Day 112 – Joy Stealers Suck!

This is the Roman Goddess Artemis. She's my favorite deity to work with.

This is the Roman Goddess Artemis. She’s my favorite deity to work with.

Some of my friends, well now have become acquaintances have felt the need to try and convert me to their religious preference.  Here’s what happened this morning.

I was blindsided she showed up with Bible in hand. I lost track of how many times that I’ve been told I’m going to hell. There is only one true God and in order for me to go into heaven I must repent my sins, renounce all false and become saved.

My belief is my belief. You don’t have to agree with it but don’t try to put me or convert me because you believe that you’re religion is the only one. Because you know what, you’re not helping your cause.

I’m still shaken up by what just happened not long ago. I’ll be keeping my distance from her. I wasn’t going to share this, I could keep quiet. I needed to express how I felt and yes vent too.

Let’s get into Sunday’s three things that make me happy

1. Praying and giving my worries up the God and Goddess.

2. Working with my favorite deity, Goddess Artemis. Since I’m a nature pagan. She’s a nature goddess, it’s why my bond with her is so strong.

3. My belief is my belief and its what gives me strength and helping me become a better person.

– Felecia Scott
