Day 218 – Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day tomorrow what you should have done the day before yesterday.

procrastinationToday’s three things that make me happy that I’ve realized about procrastination and finally getting it under control.

1. It took me 41 years to realize that most of the problems in my life are because I act without thinking and think without acting.

2. I’ve eliminated the word someday. As the quote goes someday isn’t a day of the week. When I hear myself say, “Some day I will go kayaking. Someday, I will go paddle boarding.” Now I say, ” In two weeks after I get paid that Wed or Thursday, I will take paddle board lessons and go paddle boarding.” Which will be March 18 or 19th.

3. Procrastination is the thief of time. Enough said.

– Felecia

Day 199 – Forget the days troubles. Remember the day’s blessings.

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. Today I went on a bike ride. The first time I lived in LA, I didn’t get to enjoy as much as I do now. I think it’s because I took it for granted.

Three things that make me happy:

1. I promised myself this time around I would enjoy being back in California and I am.

2. When I was gone for a year and came back, I fell in love all over.

3. California is always on my mind.

– Felecia

Day 197 – It’s a fantastically, amazing, rock star thing when a career and passion come together.

You-don’t-have-to-be-good-at-everything.-Choose-the-craft-you-are-most-passionate-about-and-master-itIt was such a glorious, sunny day I nearly called out from work. I was sitting at a roof top restaurant in Santa Monica enjoying my lunch along with the view of Catalina Island.

1. The day I quit my job and devote 1000 percent to Amber Davana. My candle bath and body company.

2. Knowing what is that I want and seeing that is.possible.

3.Believing in myself and my talents.

– Felecia

Day 180 – Be happy because the most fantastically, amazing rock star person you will ever meet is you.

amzingOne of my co-workers Alex is leaving. He’s moving on to bigger and better opportunities. He wrote each of a beautifully poetic, letter. It was another lesson from the Universe. I read it every morning now. It’s opened my eyes at how people see me and how I see myself.

“Thou Art Felecia, Hear you ROAR! for you are feared from kingdom come to kingdom go. Felecia you are the best of the best, the Bogo what will beat the rest. You shame Genghis Kahn, you laugh at Alexander. Who are they, not your that’s who! Felecia you keep on being you for your greatness exceeds that of Homers Iliad and Odyssey. Achilles would surely have fallen to the oils and scents you wield for they hold true power over a sword.

Felecia of Scott know your greatness. Can heaven  or earth understand the profound establishment of your being? Can mankind fathom the awesomeness that is you? Like Zeus hurling lightning blots upon Troy, you to are epic as the Earth’s crust. Reality bends at your will. This world is your oyster or your bitch. You choose! Felecia don’t forget me for I am your humble fan holding my breath for the next word, the next move. Felecia never stop being you.”

smilingI was so moved by this. It’s hanging on my living room mirror. I read it every morning when I wake up to start my day.

Three things that make me happy:

1. This poem that Alex wrote to me. When I read it, I feel invincible capable of anything. I want to be this Felecia, he wrote and sees.

2. I’ve realized that the most fantastically, amazing rock star person I will ever meet is……ME!.

3. I heard another great quote yesterday while sitting on the bench in Santa Monica Park eating my lunch. “The best outfit is self confidence. Rock it and own it! – I cosign that!

– Felecia

Day 117 – Happy Turkey Day

This one of the many the many Thanksgiving dinner I will be having tonight.

This one of the many the many Thanksgiving dinner I will be having tonight. I will also have gravy on my turkey and sopping up the gravy with my dinner roll. .

Today, I have an early start. I’m going to be making the dinner circuit. Many of my friends have invited me to their house for dinner. One of my favorite memories of Thanksgiving was at the dinner table. All my relatives and family friends were there. My father would say grace. “Thank you Lord for all of us being here today. Now let’s eat!”

It makes me laugh. My mother looked like she wanted to choke him but we laughed it off and started eating. Today’s post is going to be short. I have a busy day in front of me.

Three things that make me happy and that I’m thankful for.

1. The friends that I have made here in LA that have become family to me. They have been gracious enough to open their homes to me.

2. As I walked home from the metro last night. On the side of the road was a homeless man who made a make shift tent out of cardboard. I remember when I was homeless. I said a prayer for him to get off the street and a prayer of thanks for me as I entered my apartment and embraced the warmth of my apartment. I have a safe place to sleep.  Which is truly a blessing.

3. At this time in my life I can actually say I am actually thankful for with genuine sincerity. That feels pretty good. As my son would say “Awesome Sauce!”
